Tuesday, May 22, 2012

30 Day Drawing Challenge

Yesterday, I (together with Victor) embarked on the 30 Day Drawing Challenge, which quite a few of my future CalArts classmates are also doing. In fact, they started quite a while ago, and are probably on their 10th day or something. Nevertheless, its never too late to start and here is my drawings for Day 1 and 2.

*for those interested in checking out calarts' friends' works, http://ca2016.blogspot.com/. Its really worth a look, lots of beautiful artwork over there!

For those unfamiliar with this challenge, you can check it out on its Facebook group here (https://www.facebook.com/pages/30-Day-Drawing-Challenge). In a nutshell, one draws for 30 continuous days, with a new theme/subject for each day. I really like its philosophy - Draw. It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be drawn. Something like this :

 DAY 1: Self Portrait                                                     DAY 2: Your favorite animal

And out of nowhere, pops a random drawing which was kept in my sketchbook all this while. I wonder what was going through my head when I was drawing this one.

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